Examples of our handcrafted wooden flagpoles projects
A selection of images showcasing some of the special wooden flagpole projects we have been involved with over the years, our workshop and the team at work during the installation process.
The Workshop
Wooden Flagpole Projects

Handcrafted pineapple finial to be placed at the very top of a flagpole for property called Pineapple House.
Handcrafted pineapple finial to be placed at the very top of a flagpole for property called Pineapple House.

Acorn finials we refurbished for the Royal Marine Base for two new flagpoles overlooking the parade ground.
Acorn finials we refurbished for the Royal Marine Base for two new flagpoles overlooking the parade ground.

Crown finials we refurbished for the Royal Marine Base for two new flagpoles overlooking the parade ground.
Crown finials we refurbished for the Royal Marine Base for two new flagpoles overlooking the parade ground.
Flagpole Installation & Delivery

A seven metre white gloss sitka spruce awaiting a new home! Two oak projects in the pipeline coming soon...