Installation & Maintenance

We install all of our flagpoles including ground works, manufacturing of the steel base tabernacle and supporting steel stays when necessary…


Vertical installation is critical so if in any doubt please let us install your flagpole.

Make sure that there are no potential problems with difficult soil conditions (very sandy, bedrock, concrete obstructions etc.) and that there are no potential hazards caused by the presence of trees, power cables, drains, water or gas mains etc.

Our steel tabernacle needs to be secured in a bed of concrete 1 meter deep.

‘Walk the flagpole up’ towards the tabernacle and insert the lower bolt*.

*Note: with larger/heavier flagpoles it is advisable to pivot the flagpole on the lower bolt.

Attach and raise the flag after the concrete has fully hardened.

Remember that a large flag places extra strain on any flagpole so it is advisable to lower the flag when wind strengths above Force 5 are anticipated, visit our FAQs for more information.

Gift Vouchers

Our flagpoles are a truly, unique gift for a loved one.

Learn more about our gift voucher options.


White gloss finished flagpoles need a gentle sanding and repainting every five to eight years.

Varnished poles need gentle sanding and re-varnishing every one to two years.

We maintain poles for many of our customers.

For further details of flagpole maintenance, refer to our After Care section under our FAQ’s.

Finished flagpole in the workshop

A seven metre white gloss sitka spruce awaiting a new home! Two oak projects in the pipeline coming soon...

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